Corporate Profile

Name Noritsu Precision Co., Ltd.
President Go Yoshii
Foundation 1951
Establishment February 2011
Capital 100 million JPY
Business Fields
  • Development / Manufacturing / Sales of Photo Finishing Equipment
    and Nursing-care Equipment
  • Development / Manufacturing of Medical Device
    and other contract services
Employees 300 (as of April 1, 2022)
Headquarters 579-1 Umehara, Wakayama-shi, Wakayama 640-8550, Japan
TEL +81-(0)73-454-0307
FAX +81-(0)73 454-0420
Director Go Yoshii, Representative Director and President
Nampei Hayashi, External Director
Takashi Otani, External Director
Registered certification Manufacture and sell Class I medical devices in Japan.
Bonded warehouse.
ISO 9001(Quality), ISO 14001(Enviroment), ISO 13485(Pharmaceutical) certified.
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